Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Praises & Prayer Requests

1. Praise for our six new church members who were baptized on September 27.
2. Praise for Luba's repentance on October 18.
3. Praise for the new mom's attending the mom's Bible study groups.
4. Praise for a great summer camp with 90 children registered.
5. Praise for the 45-50 children attending our Children's Bible Club on Saturdays.

1. Pray for spiritual growth in the lives of those who were baptized and those who recently repented.
2. Pray for our new members to use their spiritual gifts in our church.
3. Pray that God would open the eyes of those who have heard the Gospel in Petrovka and that
they would "turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins..."!
4. Pray for the moms attending my Bible studies that they will come to know Jesus.
5. Pray for our New Year's Eve celebration in Petrovka. Pray that many families will choose to celebrate the New Year with our church.
6. Pray for the preparations and program for our children's Winter Day Camp on January 2. 
7. Pray for our Christmas Eve service on January 6 that many will attend with their families.
8. Pray for our children's choir who will be having a special program on Ukrainian Christmas Day, January 7.
9. Pray for our Christmas Day celebration on January 7 and for our church family as we go Christmas caroling to greet our neighbors with the birth of Jesus.
10. Pray for God to provide new teammates for our church plant team.
11. Pray for the start up of a youth group in Petrovka.
12. Pray for wisdom as we seek God's will regarding the possibility of a new building for our church ministries.

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