Wednesday, July 13, 2016

In March My Sweet Mother Went to be with Jesus

On March 16 I got a phone call from my sister letting me know that my mother was in the hospital and in critical condition. She told me that if I didn't get there soon I may not see my mother alive. I reserved a ticket at 11:30 pm and left the following morning. I arrived in Atlanta on March 17 and went directly to the hospital. My mother was resting and I went back the following day and she was doing better. The nurses said she had definitely improved. I was able to talk to her and was so thankful for the time I had with her. On Friday she took a turn for the worse and went into a coma and passed away on March 22 at 5:30 am. I stayed with my mother the whole night and one of my best friends stayed along with me. I spent time with my daddy after the funeral helping him to take care of financial and business things. Please pray for my daddy as he has expressed that he is very lonely. My sister would like him to move closer to her family in Florida. Pray for God to continue to bring comfort and peace to my dad. He and my mom were married for 65 years. I'm so thankful to God for giving me godly and loving parents who raised me to love Jesus. I know my mother is with the Lord today which gives me great peace. Thank you to all who prayed and sent me encouraging words.

Our Family

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